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Digimon news, discussions, and topics of interest from the staff at With the Will. Your source for everything Digimon.

Marc MarcFBR
A.R. FirstAgentARP

Recent Episodes
Episode #239- A Bit of Calm (Digimon Liberator, Recent News, & More!)
Episode #238- Anniversary, Exhibition, & Comics Ahoy! (Digimon Adventure 25th Anniversary, Comics, & More!)
Episode #237- Odaiba Upon Us (Digimon Adventure 25th Anniversary & More!)
Episode #236- Anniversary Adventuring (Liberator, Anniversary, Anime Trailer, & More!)
Episode #235- Happy 27th B-Day Digimon! (Anniversary Stuff, Exhibition, Dub Music, & More!)
Episode #234- Blu-ray Be Out (Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning, Liberator, & More!)
Episode #233- Reading, Watching, Cardpocalyse (Digimon Liberator, Adventure 02: The Beginning, & More!)
Episode #232- Soon to be Summer (Digimon Liberator, Adventure 02: The Beginning, Cards & More!)
Episode #231- Enter Lacuna (Liberator Begins, Pendulum Color 4/5/Zero, & More!)
Episode #230- A Tiring April (Digimon Adventure 25th Anniversary & More!)
Episode #184- Kappa Kappa? (Ghost Game Episode 52 Discussion/Review) Posted on 11/21/2022
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This time we will be talking about the 52nd episode of Digimon Ghost Game, Mysterious Lake, & the news has cards, plushes, the Vital Bracelet, anniversaries, & more!

Episode #183- Don't Lose Your Head (Ghost Game Episode 51 Discussion/Review) Posted on 11/14/2022
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This time we will be talking about the 51st episode of Digimon Ghost Game, Headless, and the news has cards, guide listings, pop-up shop, plus poll results & a new Digimon Journal!

Episode #182- This Cat Doesn't Want Lasagna (Ghost Game Episode 50 Discussion/Review) Posted on 11/07/2022
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This time we will be talking about the 50th episode of Digimon Ghost Game, Payback, and the news has cards, details on voting for Digimon to appears in new BEMemory Dim Cards, & more!

Episode #181- Trick and/or Treat (Ghost Game Episode 49 Discussion/Review) Posted on 10/31/2022
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This time we will be talking about the 49th episode of Digimon Ghost Game, The Crimson Harvest Festival, and the news has Frontier & 02 SCSA Digivices, the Digivice VV, cards, Digimon Journal, how well the brand is doing, & more!

Episode #180- The Mushrooms Approve (Ghost Game Episode 48 Discussion/Review) Posted on 10/25/2022
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This time we will be talking about the 48th episode of Digimon Ghost Game, The White Bride, and the news has a bunch including Digimon World: Next Order, subbed Digimon Blu-rays in the US, Ghost Game behind the scenes, cards, figures, & tons more!

This episode was Tuesday instead of our normal Monday! There were a few technical issues this week, sorry about that.

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