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Digimon news, discussions, and topics of interest from the staff at With the Will. Your source for everything Digimon.

Marc MarcFBR
A.R. FirstAgentARP

Recent Episodes
Episode #250- 250 & Counting! (Digimon Liberator, Adventure Beyond, & More!)
Episode #249- 2025 is a Go! (New Year's, Cards, Digimon Con, & More!)
Episode #248- End of 2024 (End of the year w/ Digimon the Movies & More!)
Episode #247- Frightful Weather (Digimon Liberator, Card Game, Appmon, & More!)
Episode #246- Potpourri & Snow (Digimon Liberator, Shops, Products & More!)
Episode #245- A Bit of Everything (Digimon Liberator, Cards, Products, & More!)
Episode #244- Comics vs. King (Digimon Comics, vs. Godzilla, & More!)
Episode #243- Going Beyond (Digimon Adventure Beyond, Liberator, Medabots, & More!)
Episode #242- Prepare for the Hunt (Monster Hunter V-Pets, Liberator, Anniversaries, & More!)
Episode #241- Kick it Up to the Big Screen! (Digimon the Movies, Liberator, Recent News, & More!)
Episode #40 - Here Comes Santa Agumon! Posted on 12/19/2018
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We discuss a ton of Digimon news that covers almost every arm of the franchise! May is off this week as she prepares for her trip to Japan! On top of the news, we have behind the scenes info for Frontier and tri.! Plus a ton of product breakdowns thanks to Digimonukkah!

Digital Monster X Updates- Preview of the Booklet and Digimon profiles plus more Digimon profiles!
Scans and Photos of the Digimon Pendulum Version 20th, Silver Black
Mobile Game Updates!- General ReArise Updates from V-Jump and Encounters has launched on iOS in China, plus some new gameplay footage and cinematics!
Breakdown, Scans, & Photos of the CSA Digivice tri. Memorial
Premium Bandai is running one of their lottos for the end of the Heisei Era

Savers Agumon Statue at Toei Animation Museum
There were Miyazaki Academy Socks at a recent concert event! SOCKS!
Tagiru Chikara! Featured on Psychic Lover's 15th Anniversary Best Of Album

The Digimon Tamers Battle Spirits booster set, Digimon Kimero! Card Slash! is out! We have images of all the cards!
Exclusive Digimon Playmat at Battle Spirits Championship Events
Scans of Digimn Tamers Collection, a guide and toy catalog for Tamers and Zero-Two!
Breakdown, Scans, and Photos of the GEM Ruki and Renamon figures

Capsule Mascot Series 7 Announced. It includes Vegimon, Bakemon, Scumon, Ogremon, and Etemon.
A bunch of plushes have been announced! 8 Adventure plushes, 2 cushions, and 2 tissue box holders!
Early Details and Images for Stuffed Collection Mochimon Plush! Plus it's up to pre-order at Crunchyroll, with more details.
Anisong Summer Friends -Miracle in Winter- in February has Digimon Guests!
Updates for the Digimon Escape Room! It's been extended to run thru January 14th! and maybe a teaser for a second one?

Breakdown, Scans, and Photos of Figuarts MetalGarurumon Original Designer's Edition
Digivolving Spirits HolyAngemon Out this Week
Digivolving Spirits BlackWarGreymon Pre-Order Shikishis
Precious GEM Figure news! Omegamon and BlackWarGreymon shown off, and ULForceV-Dramon announced! Plus poll results! More photos and early info for BlackWarGreymon and pre-orders are open now!

Details on the Cancelled UK Digimon Fusion Comic with artwork!
Digimon Season 2 and 4 Dubbed on Starz

Details for the new Frontier Audio Drama! Staff Details plus the title and Cast Info!

HD Remaster of Frontier Episode 1 will air on TV!
Behind the Scenes of Frontier with writer Hiro Masaki!

tri. and V-Tamer Anniversaries! tri. is 3 years old, V-Tamer is 20! V-Jump did a V-tamer spread to celebrate!
USA tri. Part 6 Blu-ray, DVD, & Digital Release- Review, Breakdown, Scans, Screencaps! We also have a discussion thread on the forum for the release.
USA tri. Blu-ray Collection- Breakdown and Scans
UK tri. Part 6 Blu-ray Release- Scans & Breakdown
tri. Part 6 Blu-ray & DVD Coming to Australia in March
Keitaro Motonaga Interview from tri. Memorial Book
New 20th Anniversary Designs have been teased! But we got an early look at some of them!

This time we don't have a main topic, although we do discuss the behind the scenes info quite a bit!

We also have a great selection of questions, both sent in ahead of time and live during the show.

Don't forget the fanzine that AR is a part of, dandan, is up to pre-order until December 25th!

You can support With the Will on Patreon and chat with us on Discord!

Marc can be found at With the Will.

A.R. can be found at Digimon: System Restore.

May can be found at LostinTranslationmon.

The podcast audio is the livestream clipped out, with an intro and outtro added, along with some tweaking to try and improve audio quality.

This episode was recorded on December 19th, 2018.

Questions for future episodes can be sent to [email protected].

We can be found on iTunes, Google Podcasts, and most podcasting apps (feel free to suggest one if you don't see us there.)

Just below is a Youtube embed of the full livestream:

Let us know what you think of the image overlays for the news.


We appreciate you guys listening and your feedback. Let us know what you think about the newest episode.

Big thanks to our Patreon supporters: CF, Fly, Jacob, Jennifer, Joe, Julia, Ken, Lizmet, Marcos, Nkenna, nskiver, Steve, Steven, Taylor, Timo, Timothy, and Yan!

Our intro and outtro song is 'Version Up', sung by Umi Tenjin in character as Koushiro from Digimon Adventure.

The site, logo, custom art, and HTML5 player was made by lost.