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Digimon news, discussions, and topics of interest from the staff at With the Will. Your source for everything Digimon.

Marc MarcFBR
A.R. FirstAgentARP

Recent Episodes
Episode #242- Prepare for the Hunt (Monster Hunter V-Pets, Liberator, Anniversaries, & More!)
Episode #241- Kick it Up to the Big Screen! (Digimon the Movies, Liberator, Recent News, & More!)
Episode #240- Dreamcast Day Again (Digimon Liberator, Recent News, & More!)
Episode #239- A Bit of Calm (Digimon Liberator, Recent News, & More!)
Episode #238- Anniversary, Exhibition, & Comics Ahoy! (Digimon Adventure 25th Anniversary, Comics, & More!)
Episode #237- Odaiba Upon Us (Digimon Adventure 25th Anniversary & More!)
Episode #236- Anniversary Adventuring (Liberator, Anniversary, Anime Trailer, & More!)
Episode #235- Happy 27th B-Day Digimon! (Anniversary Stuff, Exhibition, Dub Music, & More!)
Episode #234- Blu-ray Be Out (Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning, Liberator, & More!)
Episode #233- Reading, Watching, Cardpocalyse (Digimon Liberator, Adventure 02: The Beginning, & More!)
Episode #238- Anniversary, Exhibition, & Comics Ahoy! (Digimon Adventure 25th Anniversary, Comics, & More!) Posted on 08/12/2024
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This time we will be talking about the Digimon Adventure 25th Anniversary trailer short & exhibition, the new comics, new Liberator webnovel chapters, Blu-ray updates, & tons more!

Digimon Liberator:
Digimon Liberator Column - Tips #07
Digimon Liberator Staff Interview
Digimon Liberator Webnovel- Debug.3-1 Ryutaro, Debug.3-2 We Can Be Heroes, Debug.4-1 Suzune Kazuki, Debug.4-2 Goddess from the Ice Age

Digimon Comics:
Digimon Comic Issue One: Release & Info
Digimon Comic Interviews (Part 1)- Waga Otori (Recollection), Ichigo Satoda (Knuckles)
Digimon Comic Interviews (Part 2)- Ayumu Minato (Paradox), Tenya Yabuno (Royal Knights), Digimon Comic Survey
Digimon Comic Preview Trailers with English Titles

Discussion Comics Discussion Threads:
Digimon Rikollection (Part 1)
Digimon Knuckles (Part 1)
Digimon Paradox (Part 1)
Digimon Seekers: The Crossroad Witch (Part 1)
Mini Digimon Story of the Royal Knights (Part 1)

Digimon Adventure 25th Anniversary Special Trailer

Odaiba Memorial:
Odaiba Memorial 2024, 8/1 Countdown 1 Day(s)
8/1 Countdown 3 Day(s)
8/1 Countdown 2 Day(s)

Odaiba Memorial Stage Greeting Event

Digimon Teaser for January 5th, 2025

Yamato & the Teen-Age Wolves Album Announced

Brave Heart (25th Anniversary Version) by Ayumi Miyazaki

Adventure Production Materials at 25th Anniversary Exhibition- Katsuyoshi Nakatsuru Sketches, Director Kakudou Writings
25th Anniversary Exhibition Photos

Discotek Digimon Updates- Digimon Adventure 02 Subbed, Digimon the Movies

Digimon Ambassador:
The Digimon Ambassador Arrives August 6th
Terriermon Assistant's Lab Episode #1

Australian Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning BD/DVD

Digimon Savers Streaming Subtitled in Europe on Crunchyroll

Digimon Partners YouTube is Now Digimon YouTube<

Partners DigiGift August Calendar Wallpaper

Digimon Partners Project 3- Let's Make Digimon Line Stamps Together (Final), Stamps are Out

Digimon Card Game Previews & News:
Card Case Set 2024:
MetalGreymon ACE
Zudomon ACE
HolyAngemon ACE
Lilymon ACE
Tamer Battle Pack 24:
Option Card Possibilities for the Future!
Monimon, Tamer Card Fake Juri, Option Card Rook Device
Booster Set 19:
Terriermon & SaintGalgomon
Tamer Card Ruki
Shoutmon EX6, Tamer Card Taiki, & WarGreymon
Early EN/JP Previews of Booster Set EX-08
English 2024 Halloween Event Card Previews
Grand Asia Open Event Prize Cards & Omegamon Binder Set

Card Game Videos:
Card Battle #182- GAO Last Minute Summer Course
Card Battle #183- Digimon Card Room: Battle Before GAO

Look Up Tentomon & Palmon Figures:
Look Up Tentomon & Palmon Images
Look Up Tentomon & Palmon Figure Pre-Orders

New Digimon Plushies from PlayCharm

New Adventure Products at AniBirth Stores This Week

Digimon Adventure Eau de Parfum Line from Fairy Tail Parfum

25th Anniversary Crest Shirts at Premium Bandai

Poll Results for ... Favorite Digimon Collaboration V-Pet

Last Weekend's Saturday Post- Watanabe ChinaJoy Photo, AniBirth 8/1 Display, Toei Museum 8/1 Photos, Harada & Han 8/1 Photos, Miyazaki 8/1 Photos, AiM 8/1 Photos, Kakudou CG Digivice, Kakudou 8/1 Photos, strbsodas Art, Ayumu Minato Art, Wawaga_gag Art, t_o_m_o_01 Art & Photo, Usagibochi Liberator Art, Naoki Akamine Artwork, August & Rumble Arena Social Art

Social Art & More from the Weekend- Reference Book Updates, Youto Kazama Records Teen-Age Wolves, Miyazaki at Chausuyama Dinosaur Park, Kakudou Exhibition Poster, Kakudou Badge Photos, Kakudou Keep On Goods, Toei Museum Photos, seihou917 Artwork, Usagibochi Artwork, SLMY1022 Artwork, strbsodas Artwork, AyumuMinato Artwork, wawaga_gag Art & Photo, Tenya Yabuno Artwork, Exhibition Social Art

We finish with some questions from the audience.

You can support With the Will on Patreon or Paypal and chat with us on Discord!

Marc can be found at With the Will.

The podcast audio is the livestream clipped out, with an intro and outtro added, along with some tweaking to try and improve audio quality.

This episode was recorded on August 12th, 2024.

Questions for future episodes can be sent to [email protected].

We can be found on iTunes, Google Podcasts, and most podcasting apps (feel free to suggest one if you don't see us there.)

Just below is a Youtube embed of the full livestream:

No titlecards on Youtube this episode due to a technical issue.


We appreciate you guys listening and your feedback. Let us know what you think about the newest episode.

Big thanks to our Patreon supporters: Steven, Timo, aytimothy, Jennifer, Diego, Matt, and Meruna.

Our intro and outtro song is 'Version Up', sung by Umi Tenjin in character as Koushiro from Digimon Adventure.

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