We talk about The Battle in Tokyo Against Orochimon, the 17th episode of Digimon Adventure:! We also have a stack of news to talk about including new card previews! Plus Kizuna will be out digitally any moment! So we announce the details and guests for our upcoming Kizuna special episode! Digimon Adventure: Episode 17- The Battle in Tokyo Against OrochimonDiscussion Thread Extended Preview for Episode 18 Card Game:Booster Set 3 Updates - Clean Packaging Images, Event Card Promotional Images, & 2nd Tamer Battle Pack AnnouncedNew Card Sleeves and Angemon & Valkyrimon Previews MetalMamemon, MetalGreymon, and RagnaLordmon Previews V-Mon and XV-Mon Previews First Details for Booster Set 4 on December 18th Booster Set 4 Card Rarity Distribution and 3 Card Teasers Fun Digica Episode #43- Monochrome Tournament (Part 4)- Semi-Finals Fun Digica Episode #44- Monochrome Tournament (Part 5)- Finals Digimon Classroom, a new introduction & promotional web series has begun:Episode 1- What is a Digimon? Episode 2- What is the Evolution of Digimon? Episode 3- Road to Digimon Card Master! Official Poll Results for Perfect Digimon You Want to Fight Together With Official Digimon Web Poll #14- How Long Have You Been a Digimon Fan? Ultimate Image Kizuna Figures at Premium Bandai USA - $95 each, ships in April Kizuna: The digital release is officially tomorrow, so we expect it to show up late tonight!Preview Stream for Kizuna Watch Party Kizuna Updates - Shout Factory Shipping Kizuna Early, Kizuna Watch Party Q&A Submission, & Yosuke Kinoshita (Producer) Interview in NewsweekDigimon Xros Wars Reference Book Refresh Announced Social Art, Kenji Watanabe Adventure: Episode 17 Art With Kizuna coming out digitally, and on Blu-ray and DVD next week, we also announce details and guests for our upcoming Kizuna special episode! We finish with some questions from the audience. You can support With the Will on Patreon or Paypal and chat with us on Discord ! Marc can be found at With the Will . A.R. can be found at Digimon: System Restore . The podcast audio is the livestream clipped out, with an intro and outtro added, along with some tweaking to try and improve audio quality. This episode was recorded on September 28th, 2020. Questions for future episodes can be sent to [email protected] . We can be found on iTunes, Google Podcasts, and most podcasting apps (feel free to suggest one if you don't see us there.) Just below is a Youtube embed of the full livestream:VIDEO Let us know what you think of the image overlays for the news.Thanks We appreciate you guys listening and your feedback. Let us know what you think about the newest episode. Big thanks to our Patreon supporters: AguChamp, Fly, Steven, Kite, Ken, Timo, CF, Jennifer, Timothy, Joe, and Julia. Our intro and outtro song is 'Version Up', sung by Umi Tenjin in character as Koushiro from Digimon Adventure. The site, logo, custom art, and HTML5 player was made by lost