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Digimon news, discussions, and topics of interest from the staff at With the Will. Your source for everything Digimon.

Marc MarcFBR
A.R. FirstAgentARP

Recent Episodes
Episode #248- End of 2024 (End of the year w/ Digimon the Movies & More!)
Episode #247- Frightful Weather (Digimon Liberator, Card Game, Appmon, & More!)
Episode #246- Potpourri & Snow (Digimon Liberator, Shops, Products & More!)
Episode #245- A Bit of Everything (Digimon Liberator, Cards, Products, & More!)
Episode #244- Comics vs. King (Digimon Comics, vs. Godzilla, & More!)
Episode #243- Going Beyond (Digimon Adventure Beyond, Liberator, Medabots, & More!)
Episode #242- Prepare for the Hunt (Monster Hunter V-Pets, Liberator, Anniversaries, & More!)
Episode #241- Kick it Up to the Big Screen! (Digimon the Movies, Liberator, Recent News, & More!)
Episode #240- Dreamcast Day Again (Digimon Liberator, Recent News, & More!)
Episode #239- A Bit of Calm (Digimon Liberator, Recent News, & More!)
Episode #23 - Show Me Those Figures Posted on 12/02/2017
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Lots of fun news this time! There's a bunch of new Digivolving Spirits details, a nice handful of Appmon, and some really interesting Tamers stuff piled in.

Marc and AR go over all the news while May was resting due to lack of sleep.

After the news the topic is going over all the products that fans wish would come out, how realistic some of their chances are, and even what we want to see ourselves.

Twitch is Streaming Digimon!
Digimon: Encounters Mobile Game in China
Hacker's Memory appears on JUMP
Hacker's Memory from the newest V-Jump

tri. Part 3 in the UK has had it's release date moved up
tri. will be featured at Jump Festa

Souvenirs from Show You My Brave Hearts Volume 2 Concert Event
Capsule Mascot Series 2 will be released in March
Adventure Plushies via Banprestro Kuji
New Adventure Keychains and tri. Key Holders early at Comiket, Plus a retail release of a mini-tote
20th Pendulum Details and the prize for the new D-1!
3 New 20th Anniversary Card Sets up for pre-order!

Digimon Song Christmas Special Music Event in December with an interesting guest list
WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon GEM Prototypes Shown
Digivolving Spirits Angewomon Pre-Orders Are Open!
Digivolving Spirits #05 is Alphamon! and our first good look at Dorumon!
A bunch of Digivolving Spirits info! Tentomon images, Dukemon prototype, art of the rest of the Adventure partners, and Ouryumon!

Appmon Ranking Well in TAAF 2018 Fan Poll
Non-English Appmon Dub Updates- French dub enters 2nd quarter and Mandarin dub starts in Taiwan soon
Turner has Appmon? But where... and in what way?
More Rental DVDs for Appmon! 12 and 13 are out. Covers for 14 and 15.
Appmon DVD-Box 4 Package Preview

Tamers Blu-ray Box Updates! Cover in color! Title and cast for the audio drama. Plus a fan vote contest!
Konaka is Tweeting as Yamaki! Plus he tells us various background details on the audio drama. And says there is 'no' Tamers sequel being discussed.

After the news we move on to our main topic of discussion for this episode... Anytime a product is announced fans pop up wanting other stuff. If it's a WarGreymon GEM figure, they want to see Terriermon. And what about Frontier 15th products? More Blu-rays? We go over this, what's realistic to expect, and what sort of stuff we want to see.

After that we take some great questions from the fans who showed up to our livestream.

You can support With the Will on Patreon and chat with us on Discord!

Marc can be found at With the Will

A.R. can be found at Digimon: System Restore

May can be found at LostinTranslationmon

The podcast audio is the livestream clipped out.

This episode was recorded on December 2nd, 2017.

Questions for future episodes can be sent to [email protected].

We can be found on iTunes, Google Play, and most podcasting apps (feel free to suggest one if you don't see us there.)

Just below is a Youtube embed of the full livestream:

Let us know what you think of the image overlays for the news.


We appreciate you guys listening and your feedback. Let us know what you think about the newest episode.

Big thanks to our Patreon supporters: Will, Marcos, Yan, Robert, Timo, Ken, Rydan, Julia, Jennifer, Timothy, Joe, and Jared.

Our intro and outtro song is 'Version Up', sung by Umi Tenjin in character as Koushiro from Digimon Adventure.

The site, logo, custom art, and HTML5 player was made by lost.