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Digimon news, discussions, and topics of interest from the staff at With the Will. Your source for everything Digimon.

Marc MarcFBR
A.R. FirstAgentARP

Recent Episodes
Episode #242- Prepare for the Hunt (Monster Hunter V-Pets, Liberator, Anniversaries, & More!)
Episode #241- Kick it Up to the Big Screen! (Digimon the Movies, Liberator, Recent News, & More!)
Episode #240- Dreamcast Day Again (Digimon Liberator, Recent News, & More!)
Episode #239- A Bit of Calm (Digimon Liberator, Recent News, & More!)
Episode #238- Anniversary, Exhibition, & Comics Ahoy! (Digimon Adventure 25th Anniversary, Comics, & More!)
Episode #237- Odaiba Upon Us (Digimon Adventure 25th Anniversary & More!)
Episode #236- Anniversary Adventuring (Liberator, Anniversary, Anime Trailer, & More!)
Episode #235- Happy 27th B-Day Digimon! (Anniversary Stuff, Exhibition, Dub Music, & More!)
Episode #234- Blu-ray Be Out (Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning, Liberator, & More!)
Episode #233- Reading, Watching, Cardpocalyse (Digimon Liberator, Adventure 02: The Beginning, & More!)
Episode #166- Ruli Prefers Life Force (Ghost Game Episode 34 Discussion/Review) Posted on 07/18/2022
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This time we will be talking about the 34th episode of Digimon Ghost Game, Wall Crawlers, and the news includes Survive, cards, DigiFes, pop-up shops, & more!

Digimon Ghost Game 34- Wall Crawlers
Discussion Thread
Preview for Episode 35

New Ghost Game Key Art & Key Phrase

Monster Disco, ED4:
Ghost Game ED4, "Monster Disco," Music Video & Digital Single
Ghost Game ED4, "Monster Disco," Digital Single Available Outside of Japan

DigiFes 2022:
DigiFes 2022 Special Project #3- Favorite Scenes & Lines from Frontier
Pre-DigiFes 2022 Livestream on July 19th at 7:30pm- Adventure 02 Movie Content & DigiFes Details
Pre-DigiFes 2022 Livestream- Stream Address & Director Taguchi Appearing
Pre-DigiFes 2022 Livestream Update- Ayumi Miyazaki by Phone

Survive Preview in New Famitsu
Survive Preview from Famitsu- Preview & Interview

Japanese Card Previews & News:
Coredramon (Blue)
Chaosdramon (Parallel)
Darkdramon (Parallel)
Dracomon (Parallel)
Slayerdramon (Parallel)
Breakdramon (Parallel)
Dorbickmon (Parallel)
Hydramon (Parallel)
Imperialdramon: Dragon Mode (Black) (Parallel)
Aegisdramon (Parallel)
Qinglongmon (Parallel)
Holydramon (Parallel)
Megidramon (Parallel)
Fun Digica Previews- Examon, Wingdramon, Option Card Avalon's Gate
Goddramon (Parallel)
Volcanicdramon (Parallel)
Metallicdramon (Parallel)
Tamer Card Hina (Parallel)

Card Videos:
Fun Digica #138- Booster Set EX-03 Card Previews
Card Battle #85- Team Matches (Part 2)

LB Pop-Up Theater Relaunches as AniBirth- First Store Ghost Game, Frontier in Fall, Products & Events

Official Digimon Web Poll #57- Favorite of the Digimon LCD V-Pets

Social Art & More- Jump Victory Carnival, Hiro's Study Files, Key Art Photo
Yu Shimamura Jellymon Necklace

We finish with some questions from the audience.

You can support With the Will on Patreon or Paypal and chat with us on Discord!

Marc can be found at With the Will.

A.R. can be found at Digimon: System Restore.

The podcast audio is the livestream clipped out, with an intro and outtro added, along with some tweaking to try and improve audio quality.

This episode was recorded on July 18th, 2022.

Questions for future episodes can be sent to [email protected].

We can be found on iTunes, Google Podcasts, and most podcasting apps (feel free to suggest one if you don't see us there.)

Just below is a Youtube embed of the full livestream:

Let us know what you think of the image overlays for the news.


We appreciate you guys listening and your feedback. Let us know what you think about the newest episode.

Big thanks to our Patreon supporters: Fly, Parthasarathi, Steven, Alex, Jennifer, Joe, Timo, & Timothy.

Our intro and outtro song is 'Version Up', sung by Umi Tenjin in character as Koushiro from Digimon Adventure.

The site, logo, custom art, and HTML5 player was made by lost